
Posts from Mirza Salihagic

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Aug 29, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Why Tokenization Beats Transparent Data Encryption for PCI DSS Compliance

Cyber-threats are rapidly evolving and breaches are on the rise. That makes compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI...

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Aug 15, 2024 l Data Protection, Business Value

Protect the Data to Avoid the Cost of Lost Business

Data breaches are growing in volume and cost. Estimates from non-profit the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) reveal that 2023 was a record year...

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Aug 8, 2024 l Data Protection, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security

How to Implement Data-Centric Security in Google Cloud and BigQuery

AI, analytics and cloud-based data stores are driving a revolution in data-driven decision making. Yet as more organizations adopt these technologies...

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Jul 4, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Privacy-Enhanced Data Sharing: How to Drive Business Growth by Protecting Your Data

If data is the new oil, then organizations will get little benefit from hoarding it. They need to share it between individuals, departments,...

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May 16, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Counting the Cost of PCI DSS Non-Compliance

For two decades, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has been the only show in town when it comes to regulating cardholder...

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Apr 11, 2024 l Data Protection, Retail

Demonstrating the Value of Data-Centric Security in Retail: Two Case Studies

The retail sector is undergoing profound changes to support digital commerce, personalization and automated buying experiences. It’s not hard to see...

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Mar 7, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Empowering Collaboration with Data-Centric Security: Strategies for Secure Data Sharing

Data is a critical business asset. But it’s not enough to simply store it. To unlock value, it must be easy to share across teams, and potentially...

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Feb 1, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance

How Cybersecurity and Compliance Can Become a Gateway to Global Markets

Amid high interest rates, staff shortages, stubborn inflation and geopolitical uncertainty, regulatory compliance isn’t always given the attention it...

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Dec 7, 2023 l Data Protection, Research, Trends, and Predictions

Lessons Learned: Five Cybersecurity Takeaways from 2023

After another (nearly) action-packed 12 months it’s time to take stock. There have been breaches galore, new cybersecurity mandates and regulations,...

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