
Nov 8, 2019 l Data Protection, Data Breaches

Why CFOs Must be Involved in Cybersecurity

Taking cybersecurity seriously is far from being exclusively an IT department issue. Given the impact that a breach can have on the whole company,...

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Nov 1, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing

Big Data Security Series Part 2: How Hard is it to Secure Big Data?

Survey says: exceedingly difficult.

But why?

Years ago, on traditional databases you had complete control over how to implement and protect your...

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Oct 29, 2019 l PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance

3 Benefits of Taking Data Out of PCI Audit Scope

Whether your company accepts payments at a store or restaurant, sells products or services through a website, or handles monthly payment billing, you...

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Oct 24, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance, Big Data Analytics

Big Data Security Series Part 1: Data is Everywhere but Security isn't

Since time immemorial, data has been the key to success. Traders who understood their customers’ needs and emotions could sell more goods at a higher...

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Oct 21, 2019 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches, CCPA, Research, Trends, and Predictions

5 Trends Happening in Payments – Data Security is needed more than ever

A locally-famous Thai restaurant in San Diego County posted a message to customers requesting that they pay with a credit card, due to increased...

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Oct 18, 2019 l Data Protection

Finding the Cybersecurity Sweet Spot

I recently read an article by Michael Gale about digital transformation.

His book about the digital helix is pretty interesting too.

My immediate...

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Oct 16, 2019 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance, CCPA

CCPA:  Data Privacy like GDPR; Data Security like PCI DSS

Comparisons have already been drawn about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), calling it ‘the GDPR for California residents.’ However,...

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Aug 6, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches

Is it critical for CFOs to understand cybersecurity?

Looking at the impact a data breach can have in terms of regulatory fees, customer trust as well as loyalty and as a consequence, shareholder value,...

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Aug 2, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches, Cloud Computing

6 takeaways from the Capital One data breach

"WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET?" is the theme question asked by spokes-celebrity Jennifer Garner in commercials for Capital One. A data breach wasn't...

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