The term “Big data” has been around for a while already (almost 15 years now) and the hype is almost over. So is it not relevant anymore?
Apr 18, 2019 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing
No Cloud, One Cloud, Multicloud - How do you Secure Big Data Analytics?
Does your hotel need a wake-up call of its own?
In a trend that continues to escalate against so-called “softer” targets, the travel and...
Mar 27, 2019 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing
Avoid Getting Rained On: Keep Your Data Secure in Your Cloud
As we finally move on from the cold grips of winter to the (hopefully) warmer weather of spring, I’ve been out visiting with CISOs, IT Directors, and...
You might not realize it, but if you are involved in an innovation project that is aiming to generate additional business value by leveraging data...
Wiesbaden, Germany - March 6, 2019 - SC Media today announced that SecurDPS Enterprise was selected as a one of the Most Critical Cybersecurity...
Mar 4, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance
What's the Point of a "National Consumer Protection Week"?
In this perfect world we live in, businesses, governments, and other organizations are all honest and get cybersecurity right. They have all the...
In the ’80s and ’90s, there was a popular TV program called “Siskel & Ebert.” It was a weekly television series where two critics reviewed newly...
I recently read a post in which someone claimed that GDPR was probably the biggest fail of 2018.
Really? I can’t stop myself from writing a comment...
Wiesbaden, Germany – 5 December 2018 – comforte AG has announced that COO Michael Weilbacher is entering into retirement and will be succeeded by CFO...