
Aug 25, 2022 l Big Data Analytics

Understanding Your Data is the First Step to Unlocking Value from Cloud-Based Analytics

It’s difficult to think of a business that doesn’t produce data. And it’s even harder to imagine one that wouldn’t benefit from being able to analyze...

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Aug 18, 2022 l Compliance, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Security

How to Get Your Cloud Analytics Project Approved by Security and Compliance Teams

Cloud-based analytics tools are taking the world by storm. Across multiple jurisdictions and verticals they’re unlocking value from corporate data to...

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Aug 11, 2022 l Big Data Analytics, Cloud Security

Unlocking Business Value from Data Analytics Without Compromising on Security

No-one can dispute the outsized role cloud-based data analytics is having on modern business. There’s a reason the market is predicted to grow at...

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Aug 4, 2022 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Compliance, Big Data Analytics, CCPA

How to Stay Agile and Compliant with Format-preserving Protection for Analytics

Cloud-based analytics offer a truly transformative opportunity for global organizations. By extracting insights from data, they are already helping...

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Jul 21, 2022 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing

How Data-centric Security Unlocks Value from Cloud-based Analytics

Across the globe, companies are tapping the power of data analytics to drive agility and growth. They’re creating new business models, unleashing...

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May 24, 2022 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Security, AI

Why Data-centric Security Holds the Key to Successful AI Deployments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly the fuel that powers modern business and society. Intelligent algorithms make real-time decisions that...

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Feb 23, 2021 l Data Protection, News, Big Data Analytics

Comforte Named Overall Leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass 2021

Wiesbaden, Germany - 23 February 2021 - Comforte AG is delighted to announce that they have been named ‘Overall Leader’ and ‘Product Leader’ in ...

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Jan 7, 2020 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

6 Things Every Big Data Security Solution Needs

As data-centric security gains mainstream recognition for its ability to protect sensitive data from theft and malicious use, enterprises are faced...

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Nov 15, 2019 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Big Data Security Series Part 3: How to Run Analytics on Protected Data

In the past two posts we discussed how data is everywhere, but security isn’t and we explored the reasons why it’s so tough to protect BDA...

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