
Mar 4, 2019 l Data Protection, Compliance

What's the Point of a "National Consumer Protection Week"?

In this perfect world we live in, businesses, governments, and other organizations are all honest and get cybersecurity right. They have all the...

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Jan 17, 2019 l GDPR, Data Protection, Compliance

GDPR - Biggest Fail of 2018?

I recently read a post in which someone claimed that GDPR was probably the biggest fail of 2018.

Really? I can’t stop myself from writing a comment...

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Nov 29, 2018 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance

Why Data-Centric Security Should be a Part of your GDPR Strategy

If you went to any security conference, tradeshow, or read any industry journals in 2018 you would've found yourself bombarded by lots of information...

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Nov 26, 2018 l GDPR, Data Protection, Compliance

4 Key Impacts of GDPR since May 25

It’s now been half a year since GDPR came into force (officially on May 25, 2018) – so it begs the question – what has been the impact?

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Nov 16, 2018 l GDPR, Data Protection, Compliance

GDPR Checklist to Avoid an Auditor's Crosshairs

The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on May 25, 2018 and while there was tremendous noise around this event and it seemed as if...

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Oct 26, 2018 l GDPR, Data Protection, Compliance

Apple CEO Tim Cook Calls for Federal Privacy Law in the US

On Wednesday this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook delivered a keynote address at the European Union's International Conference of Data Protection and...

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Sep 28, 2018 l Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches

Uber to Pay Record Settlement for Failure to Disclose Data Breach

Instead of informing the public about a data theft that took place in 2016, Uber paid hush money to the hackers to destroy the data in an alleged...

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Sep 28, 2018 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches

Cybercrime Doesn't Follow Regulations - Part III: What's Next?

In the past two blog posts we looked at regulations, the history of hacking, and cybercrime today.

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Sep 18, 2018 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection, Compliance

Cybercrime doesn't Follow Regulations - Part II: the Evolution of Hacking

There is a basic question we want to answer in this series: Is it really true that “compliance isn’t security”?

We started with lessons from the past...

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