You don’t have to go out of your way these days to learn about ongoing data breaches. You don’t have to pore over the online tech news sites with...
Jun 15, 2021 l Data Protection, Data Breaches, Research, Trends, and Predictions
The Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report - How do you Use it?
The annual Verizon DBIR (Data Breach Investigation Report) is a great tool full of lots of actionable information. However, at over 100 pages full of...
The German supermarket chain "tegut" was recently the target of a cyberattack (source in German) and on April 24 the company activated emergency...
The recent attack on Microsoft Exchange, which seems to have affected anywhere from 30,000 to 60,000 or more organizations, appears to be far more...
According to a report by, on January 12, an update to the Campus Management System of the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin inadvertently...
CISO’s and C-level leaders around the world need to look at the exposure risk of sensitive data in their organizations when attackers can infiltrate...
Jun 23, 2020 l Compliance, Data Breaches, CCPA
How to Pass the Test of “Reasonable Security” When It Comes to CCPA
Today, we see a third CCPA class action in short order, which points to very specific claims of security failure against the CCPA regulation. This...
Mar 4, 2020 l Data Protection, Data Breaches
Breach Prevention is so 2010: Now is the Time to Protect Data Itself
The trend towards digital transformation means companies are using and monetizing data more and more. Today, there is not only more data, data is...
Feb 25, 2020 l Data Protection, Compliance, Data Breaches
Almost 60% of UK Consumers Affected by Data Breaches in 2019
The number of data breaches that took place around the world in 2019 surpassed all previous years, with a total of 7,098 detected breaches. Although...