
May 16, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Counting the Cost of PCI DSS Non-Compliance

For two decades, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has been the only show in town when it comes to regulating cardholder...

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May 2, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Tackling Data Security Challenges in Hybrid and Cloud Banking Environments

Financial institutions are among the most regulated businesses in the world. That’s understandable given their role in a key critical infrastructure...

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Apr 25, 2024 l Data Protection, AI

It’s All About Data: How to Drive Secure Use of AI

Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been with us for some time, the technology seems to be everywhere these days, as vendors and end users get...

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Apr 18, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Fixing a $12bn Challenge for Banks Through Data-Centric Security

The challenges presented by cyber risk have always loomed large for IT and business leaders in financial services. But today they have arguably...

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Apr 11, 2024 l Data Protection, Retail

Demonstrating the Value of Data-Centric Security in Retail: Two Case Studies

The retail sector is undergoing profound changes to support digital commerce, personalization and automated buying experiences. It’s not hard to see...

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Apr 4, 2024 l Data Protection

Safeguarding Data Security and Privacy on IBM Mainframe: A Comprehensive Approach

In today's digitally driven world, data security and privacy are paramount concerns for organizations across all industries. With the increasing...

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Mar 14, 2024 l Data Protection, News, Compliance

Accelerating the Journey to PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance with ACI Worldwide

Regulatory compliance is a fact of life for any business. And for those that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information, that means...

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Mar 7, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Empowering Collaboration with Data-Centric Security: Strategies for Secure Data Sharing

Data is a critical business asset. But it’s not enough to simply store it. To unlock value, it must be easy to share across teams, and potentially...

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Feb 29, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance, Insurance

Case Study: Why Data-Centric Security Is a Must-Have for the Insurance Sector

Insurance is fundamentally a data-driven business. The insights that carriers can extract from the vast volumes of customer data they process can add...

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