
Feb 15, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance, Financial Services

Preparing for PCI DSS 4.0: Five Steps to Get Financial Institutions Ready

For two decades, payments security industry body the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has demanded compliance with an ever-growing set of rigorous technical and operational requirements in order to protect cardholder data. PCI DSS 4.0 is the biggest update to its payment card industry data security standard since its inception in 2004. It...

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Jul 4, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Privacy-Enhanced Data Sharing: How to Drive Business Growth by Protecting Your Data

If data is the new oil, then organizations will get little benefit from hoarding it. They need to share it between individuals, departments,...

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Jun 20, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, AI

Why Data-Centric Security Is a Critical Foundation for AI-Powered Analytics

Data analytics have been used for decades to enhance business insight and drive efficiency, growth and innovation. But the addition of intelligent...

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Mar 7, 2024 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Empowering Collaboration with Data-Centric Security: Strategies for Secure Data Sharing

Data is a critical business asset. But it’s not enough to simply store it. To unlock value, it must be easy to share across teams, and potentially...

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Apr 20, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Monetizing Data: Why Companies Are Looking Within to Drive Business Success

Data volumes are soaring globally as the digital world continues to grow exponentially. By some estimates, the amount created, captured, copied, and...

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Apr 13, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Why Data Protection is Critical to the New U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy

While the threat landscape moves at a sometimes dizzying speed, there are some parts of the cyber-sphere which have been ossified for decades. One is...

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Apr 6, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, AI

OpenAI’s GDPR Travails Demonstrate Need for Data Security-by-Design

After several weeks of incredible growth, OpenAI has come in for a bumpy ride of late. First it revealed details of a data breach exposing a...

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Mar 30, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Why Backups and Encryption Go Hand in Hand

Data sits front and center of any business. And it’s being generated in ever greater volumes. An estimated 120 zettabytes will be created, captured,...

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Mar 23, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics

Cyber-Criminals Are Innovating: It’s Time to Hit Back with Data-Centric Security

The technology industry can move at dizzying speed. But in a space where change is the only constant, one trend has persisted over the years: a cyber...

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Mar 9, 2023 l Data Protection, Big Data Analytics, AI

AI Means Business, So Start with a Data-Centric Security Approach to AI Security Risks

Across the globe, organizations are waking up to the power of artificial intelligence (AI). Even before ChatGPT, the technology was starting to move...

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