
Feb 15, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance, Financial Services

Preparing for PCI DSS 4.0: Five Steps to Get Financial Institutions Ready

For two decades, payments security industry body the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has demanded compliance with an ever-growing set of rigorous technical and operational requirements in order to protect cardholder data. PCI DSS 4.0 is the biggest update to its payment card industry data security standard since its inception in 2004. It...

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Sep 5, 2024 l Data Protection, Data Breaches

Hackers Want Your Customers’ Data: It’s Time to Hit Back

Customer trust is critical to long-term business success. But it is dramatically undermined when organizations fail to protect their personally...

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Aug 29, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

Why Tokenization Beats Transparent Data Encryption for PCI DSS Compliance

Cyber-threats are rapidly evolving and breaches are on the rise. That makes compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI...

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Aug 22, 2024 l Data Protection, Financial Services

How Financial Institutions Can Manage Mounting Digital Sovereignty Requirements

Financial services is among the most highly regulated of any industry – and justifiably so. As critical infrastructure, the sector provides services...

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Aug 15, 2024 l Data Protection, Business Value

Protect the Data to Avoid the Cost of Lost Business

Data breaches are growing in volume and cost. Estimates from non-profit the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) reveal that 2023 was a record year...

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Aug 8, 2024 l Data Protection, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security

How to Implement Data-Centric Security in Google Cloud and BigQuery

AI, analytics and cloud-based data stores are driving a revolution in data-driven decision making. Yet as more organizations adopt these technologies...

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Aug 1, 2024 l Data Protection, Data Breaches

As Breach Costs Surge, Companies Need a Better Way to Find Shadow Data

Data breaches are on the rise. In the US, last year broke new records in terms of breach volumes. The bad news is that costs are also increasing. The...

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Jul 25, 2024 l Data Protection, Data Breaches

US Breaches Are Spiraling Out of Control: It’s Time to Protect What Matters Most

Global organizations are due to spend billions of dollars on cybersecurity this year. But data breach incidents continue to rise. The latest figures...

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Jul 18, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance

How comforte's SecurDPS Can Support Your PCI DSS 4.0 Plans

PCI DSS 4.0 is a non-negotiable industry standard for any organization that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data (CHD) or sensitive...

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Jul 11, 2024 l Data Protection, Compliance

Why Data-Centric Security Matters to New York’s Financial Services Firms

New York is the financial capital of the US and the world. That puts tremendous pressure on the New York State (NYS) Department of Financial Services...

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