If I was writing this in the early 2000s, I would have started with the line “open any newspaper and the headline will be screaming about…” but since...
If you’re a Facebook user, or even if you’re not, you’ve probably noticed the flurry of news on the leak of millions of Facebook user profiles. The...
Mar 14, 2018 l GDPR, PCI DSS, Data Protection
The 4 things to consider for achieving true Data Security
Do you know how sometimes you can almost predict what question someone will ask you? You know, sort of like in Boston when mid-March rolls around and...
Feb 2, 2018 l PCI DSS, Data Protection, News
Bankart banks on comforte for secure digital payment processing
comforte is pleased to announce that Bankart, a Slovenian leader in clearing house and payment processing services, has chosen SecurDPS to bolster...
Nowadays, you can’t even order a sandwich and not be at risk of your credit card data getting into the wrong hands. On January 11, 2018, Jason’s...