
Trevor J. Morgan l May 20, 2021 l Cloud Computing

Data Racing on the Cloud Speedway

Even if you’re not an avid racing fan, you’ve no doubt driven a car. The speeds in racing are extreme compared to driving around the city, but the concepts of speed are the same no matter where you’re driving. Go too fast and you lose control, go too slow, well, you get passed up, or worse yet hit from behind.

These principles, “too fast” or “too slow,” apply to today’s data environment, especially when considering the current mass migration of data to the cloud and the challenges around protecting sensitive data in multiple locations relative to many different regulations, standards, and laws.

The race to the cloud is on across most industries and among all sizes of organizations today. Concerns around the security of leveraging the cloud appear to be moving from a fear of the unknown into a more practical question about how to ensure the migration is secure and compliant in a constantly changing environment, especially when it comes to data protection.

You can now witness a drive among companies to move to the cloud as quickly as possible, motivated by a “let’s save as much money as possible and get this over with so we can reap the benefits” mentality. This approach, at best, sets aside concerns for data privacy and data protection to be addressed after the migration is complete. The risks here become high and the consequences are expensive when moving too quickly and virtually ignoring data protection concerns. Contractors don’t just build houses as quickly as possible and think, “we’ll worry about load-bearing supports after we get the structure up and complete.” That’s a recipe for disaster.

For many years, the opposite approach was to not move to the cloud at all. Today, it is common to see an initial move to the cloud, followed by slamming on the brakes when barely off the finish line. This situation can happen when a security or compliance function within the organization begins to raise more objections than can be overcome by those responsible for this cloud initiative. Pedal to the metal! Now stop! Screech…whiplash. Or at least it feels that way.

You can actually find a specific entry angle to each sharp corner in this race to the cloud, a middle ground, where the race can be won with a balanced approach. Of course, you have to understand the cornering abilities of your organization, the inherent needs and risks, and your skill in steering through it. Additionally, you need to know that options are available to fine-tune your car, so that you can hold the right line on the track. You can balance speed and precision like a race car driver, if you care to.

To find out more on how comforte AG can help you find the right speed for the corners of your data protection race to the cloud, join us for our upcoming webinar on 9 June at 11am BST. We’ll discuss how to leverage data-centric security to quickly satisfy the legitimate concerns from your security and compliance organizations, slowing down only enough to hold the corner and come out of the turn at maximum speed for your cloud initiative. Nothing is more thrilling than going fast while going as safely as possible!

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